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Building and Using QCoro

Building QCoro

QCoro uses CMake build system. You can pass following options to the cmake command when building QCoro to customize the build:

  • -DQCORO_BUILD_EXAMPLES - whether to build examples or not (ON by default).
  • -DQCORO_BUILD_TESTING - whether to build tests or not (defaults to ${BUILD_TESTING}), can be used to disable building QCoro tests when building QCoro as part of a bigger project which has BUILD_TESTING enabled.
  • -DQCORO_ENABLE_ASAN - whether to build QCoro with AddressSanitizer (OFF by default).
  • -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS - whether to build QCoro as a shared library (OFF by default).
  • -DUSE_QT_VERSION - set to 5 or 6 to force a particular version of Qt. When not set the highest available version is used.
  • -DQCORO_WITH_QTDBUS - whether to compile support for QtDBus (ON by default).
  • -DQCORO_WITH_QTNETWORK - whether to compile support for QtNetwork (ON by default).
  • -DQCORO_WITH_QTWEBSOCKETS - whether to compile support for QtWebSockets (ON by default).
  • -DQCORO_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_TASK_H - will not build and install the deprecated task.h header (OFF by default).
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. <CMAKE FLAGS>
# This will install QCoro into /usr/local/ prefix, change it by passing -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr
# to the cmake command above.
sudo make install


Depending on whether you want to use Qt5 or Qt6 build of QCoro, you should use QCoro5 or QCoro6` in your CMake code, respectively. The example below is assuming Qt6:

# Use QCoro5 if you are building for Qt5!
find_package(QCoro6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Core Network DBus)

# Set necessary compiler flags to enable coroutine support


target_link_libraries(your-target QCoro::Core QCoro::Network QCoro::DBus)

Note the missing Qt version number in the QCoro target namespace: QCoro provides both versioned (QCoro5 and QCoro6) namespaces as well as version-less namespace, which is especially useful for transitioning codebase from Qt5 to Qt6.


Using QCoro with QMake projects (.pro) is simple: just add the required QCoro modules to the QT variable:

QT += QCoroCore QCoroNetwork QCoroDBus
# Enable C++20
CONFIG += c+=20
# Enable coroutine support in the compiler
QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -fcoroutines

You don't need to worry about Qt5 vs Qt6, qmake will pick up the correct build of QCoro depending on whether you are using QMake for Qt5 or Qt6.

Currently it's necessary to manually enable C++20 and coroutine support (unless that's already default in your system/compiler settings).