QCoro 0.7.0 Release Announcement
The major new feature in this release is initial QML support, contributed by
Jonah Brüchert. Jonah also contributed QObject::connect
helper and
a coroutine version of QQuickImageProvider. As always, this release includes
some smaller enhancements and bugfixes, you can find a full list of them
on the Github release page.
As always, big thank you to everyone who report issues and contributed to QCoro. Your help is much appreciated!
Initial QML Support
Jonah Brüchert has contributed initial support for QML. Unfortunately, we
cannot extend the QML engine to support the async
and await
keywords from
ES8, but we can make it possible to set a callback from QML that should be
called when the coroutine finishes.
The problem with QCoro::Task
is that it is a template class so it cannot be
registered into the QML type system and used from inside QML. The solution
that Jonach has come up with is to introduce QCoro::QmlTask
class, which
can wrap any awaitable (be it QCoro::Task
or any generic awaitable type)
and provides a then()
method that can be called from QML and that takes
a JavaScript function as its only argument. The function will be invoked by
when the wrapped awaitable has finished.
The disadvantage of this approach is that in order to expose a class that
uses QCoro::Task<T>
as return types of its member functions into QML, we
need to create a wrapper class that converts those return types to
Luckily, we should be able to provide a smoother user experience when using QCoro in QML for Qt6 in a future QCoro release.
class QmlCoroTimer: public QObject {
explicit QmlCoroTimer(QObject *parent = nullptr)
: QObject(parent)
Q_INVOCABLE QCoro::QmlTask start(int milliseconds) {
// Implicitly wraps QCoro::Task<> into QCoro::QmlTask
return waitFor(milliseconds);
// A simple coroutine that co_awaits a timer timeout
QCoro::Task<> waitFor(int milliseconds) {
QTimer timer;
co_await timer;
qmlRegisterType<QmlCoroTimer>("cz.dvratil.qcoro.example", 0, 1);
import cz.dvratil.qcoro.example 1.0
Item {
QmlCoroTimer {
id: timer
Component.onCompleted: () {
// Attaches a callback to be called when the QmlCoroTimer::waitFor()
// coroutine finishes.
timer.start(1000).then(() => {
console.log("1 second elapsed!");
Read the documentation for QCoro::QmlTask
for more details.
QCoro::connect Helper
The QCoro::connect()
helper is similar to QObject::connect()
- except you
you pass in a QCoro::Task<T>
instead of a sender and signal pointers. While
using the .then()
continuation can achieve similar results, the main
difference is that QCoro::connect()
takes a pointer to a context (receiver)
QObject. If the receiver is destroyed before the connected QCoro::Task<T>
finishes, the slot is not invoked.
void MyClass::buttonClicked() {
QCoro::Task<QByteArray> task = sendNetworkRequest();
// If this object is deleted before the `task` completes,
// the slot is not invoked.
QCoro::connect(std::move(task), this, &handleNetworkReply);
See the QCoro documentation for more details.