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#include <QCoroTask>
target_link_libraries(myapp QCoro::Coro)
QT += QCoroCoro
template<typename T> class QCoro::Task

Any coroutine that wants to co_await one of the types supported by the QCoro library must have return type QCoro::Task<T>, where T is the type of the "regular" coroutine return value.

There's no need by the user to interact with or construct QCoro::Task manually, the object is constructed automatically by the compiler before the user code is executed. To return a value from a coroutine, use co_return, which will store the result in the Task object and leave the coroutine.

QCoro::Task<QString> getUserName(UserID userId) {

    // Obtain a QString by co_awaiting another coroutine
    const QString result = co_await fetchUserNameFromDb(userId);


    // Return the QString from the coroutine as you would from a regular function,
    // just use `co_return` instead of `return` keyword.
    co_return result;

To obtain the result of a coroutine that returns QCoro::Task<T>, the result must be co_awaited. When the coroutine co_returns a result, the result is stored in the Task object and the co_awaiting coroutine is resumed. The result is obtained from the returned Task object and returned as a result of the co_await call.

QCoro::Task<void> getUserDetails(UserID userId) {

    const QString name = co_await getUserName(userId);


Exception Propagation

When coroutines throws an unhandled exception, the exception is stored in the Task object and is re-thrown from the co_await call in the awaiting coroutine.

Note that a default-constructed Task<T> object is not associated with any coroutine and awaiting on it will suspend the awaiter indefinitely. Moving into a default constructed Task<T> associates it with the coroutine previously associated with the moved-from Task<T>, and so awaiting on the moved-to Task<T> will work as expcted. On the other hand, the moved-from Task<T> will no longer be associated with any coroutine and awaiting on it will behave the same as awaiting a default- constructed task - it will suspend the awaiter indefinitely.

then() continuation

This feature is available since QCoro 0.5.0

Sometimes it's not possible to co_await a coroutine, for example when calling a coroutine from a reimplementation of a virtual function from a 3rd party library, where we cannot change the signature of that function to be a coroutine (e.g. a reimplementation of QAbstractItemModel::data()).

Even in this case, we want to process the result of the coroutine asynchronously, though. For such cases, Task<T> provides a then() member function that allows the caller to provide a custom continuation callback to be invoked when the coroutine finishes.

template<typename ThenCallback>
requires (std::invocable<ThenCallback> || (!std::is_void<T> && std::invocable<ThenCallback, T>))
Task<R> Task<T>::then(ThenCallback callback);

The Task<T>::then() member function has two arguments. The first argument is the continuation that is called when the coroutine finishes. The second argument is optional - it is a callable that gets invoked instead of the continuation when the coroutine throws an exception.

The continuation callback must be a callable that accepts either zero arguments (effectively discardin the result of the coroutine), or exactly one argument of type T or type implicitly constructible from T.

If the return type of the ThenCallback is void, then the return type of the then() functon is Task<void>. If the return type of the ThenCallback is R or Task<R>, the return type of the then() function is Task<R>. This means that the ThenCallback can be a coroutine as well. Thanks to the return type always being of type Task<R>, it is possible to chain multiple .then() calls, or co_await the result of the entire chain.

If the coroutine throws an exception, the exception is re-thrown when the result of the entire continuation is co_awaited. If the result of the continuation is not co_awaited, the exception is silently ignored.

If an exception is thrown from the ThenCallback, then the exception is either propagated to the nex chained then() continuation or re-thrown if directly co_awaited. If the result is not co_awaited and no futher then() continuation is chained after the one that has thrown, then the exception is silently ignored.

template<typename ThenCallback, typename ErrorCallback>
requires (((std::is_void_t<T> && std::invocable<ThenCallback>) || std::invocable<ThenCallback, T>)
            && std::invocable<ErrorCallback, const std::exception &>)
Task<R> Task<T>::then(ThenCallback thenCallback, ErrorCallback errorCallback);

An overload of the then() member function which takes an additional callback to be invoked when an exception is thrown from the coroutine. The ErrorCallback must be a callable that takes exactly one argument, which is const std::exception &, holding reference to the exception thrown. An exception thrown from the ErrorCallback will be re-thrown if the entire continuation is co_awaited. If another .then() continuation is chained after the current continuation and has an ErrorCallback, then the ErrorCallback will be invoked. Otherwise, the exception is silently ignored.

If an exception is thrown by the non-void coroutine and is handled by the ErrorCallback, then if the resulting continuation is co_awaited, the result will be a default-constructed instance of type R (since the ThenCallback was unable to provide a proper instance of type R). If R is not default- constructible, the program will not compile. Thus, if returning a non-default-constructible type from a coroutine that may throw an exception, we recommend to wrap the type in std::optional.


QString User::name() {
    if (mName.isNull()) {
            [this](const QString &name) {
                mName = name;
                Q_EMIT nameChanged();
            }, [](const std::exception &e) {
                mName = QStringLiteral("Failed to fetch name: %1").arg(e.what());
                Q_EMIT nameChanged();
        return QStringLiteral("Loading...");
    } else {
        return mName;

Blocking wait

Sometimes it's necessary to wait for a coroutine in a blocking manner - this is especially useful in tests where possibly no event loop is running. QCoro has QCoro::waitFor() function which takes QCoro::Task<T> (that is, result of calling any QCoro-based coroutine) and blocks until the coroutine finishes. If the coroutine has a non-void return value, the value is returned from waitFor().

Since QCoro 0.8.0 it is possible to use QCoro::waitFor() with any awaitable type, not just QCoro::Task<T>.

QCoro::Task<int> computeAnswer() {
    co_await QCoro::sleepFor(std::chrono::years{7'500'00});
    co_return 42;

void nonCoroutineFunction() {
    // The following line will block as if computeAnswer were not a coroutine. It will internally run a
    // a QEventLoop, so other events are still processed.
    const int answer = QCoro::waitFor(computeAnswer());
    std::cout << "The answer is: " << answer << std::endl;

Event loops

The implementation internally uses a QEventLoop to wait for the coroutine to be completed. This means that a QCoreApplication instance must exist, although it does not need to be executed. Usual warnings about using a nested event loop apply here as well.

Interfacing with synchronous functions

This feature is available since QCoro 0.7.0

Sometimes you need to interface with code that is not coroutine-aware, for example when building list models.

If you'd use the normal .then() function, and the coroutine would finish after the model is deleted, the program would crash.

The QCoro::connect function is similar to QObject::connect, but for QCoro::Tasks. Just like QObject::connect, it only calls its callback if the context object still exists.

This is an example for a function that fetches data and updates a model:

void updateModel() {
    auto task = someCoroutine();
    QCoro::connect(std::move(task), this, [this](auto &&result) {
        m_entries = std::move(result);

If the model is deleted before the coroutine finishes, the connected lambda will not be called.